Calories are important. Your body needs them to maintain various organ functions and keep you active. But too much is not something you want.
Eating low-calorie food is associated with weight control, better mood and improved overall health but what are these foods? Well, they’re usually vegetables that are high in insoluble fiber and water content. On average, every adult should have at least 1200 calories every day.
Eating low-calorie food meets this caloric goal and makes you feel fuller for longer, which stops you from adding extra calories. Celery? Broccoli? Apples? Read till the end to learn about all these low-calorie foods and more.
Low in calories and high in fiber, apples are some of the most highly nutritious fruits.
Eating them as a low-calorie snack will help with weight loss. The amount of calories present in it is so low that it gets mostly burned up during digestion.
Broccoli is known as a superfood because it’s dense with nutrients. One cup contains just 31 calories and a host of other health benefits. Along with antioxidants that detoxify the body, they are also high in fiber that slows down the release of glucose in the bloodstream.
Chia seeds
Sprinkling just one tablespoon of chia seeds will add 60 calories and will keep you full for a long time. It enables tissue growth and repair, improves skin and hair, and even lowers the risk of developing dementia, depression or arthritis.
Watercress is naturally low in calories and fat-free.
Packed with the goodness of essential vitamins, phytochemicals and minerals, they lower the risk of potentially chronic diseases by neutralizing toxic free radicals.
Looking for a healthier, low-calorie snack? Celery is perfect. The secret is the high water content that makes it naturally low in calories.
One cup of it contains almost 18 calories, which isn’t a lot.
Cabbage is another low-calorie vegetable that ranks high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Easy to prepare, one cooked cup contains 33 calories and virtually no fat.
It also aids in weight loss, promotes glowing skin and gives the immune system a boost.
Brussel sprouts
Eating high-fiber, low-calorie food like brussel sprouts not only keeps your blood sugar in check but also makes your weight loss dreams come true. Densely packed with nutrients, eating them regularly keeps bones healthy and promotes blood clotting too.
If you’re thinking about losing weight, then this cruciferous vegetable should not be ignored. With one cup of cauliflower containing about 25 calories, they can be eaten worry-free without adding on those extra pounds.
A cup of raw carrot sticks have around 50 calories, which makes for just 3% of the total calorie intake for the day.
The goodness of natural compounds cuts off the growth of new fat cells that stops obesity.
Cucumbers are an amazing source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Did you know that the peel and seeds are the most nutrient-dense parts? Along with less calories, they also contain zero fat, carbs, sodium and cholesterol.
Known for its licorice-like flavor, fennel has several health benefits. One of them being protecting bone health. The daily fiber works by directly making you feel full and stops you from binging.
It is a rich source of vitamin B6 that also increases iron absorption and promotes a healthy digestive tract.
Garlic has plant compounds with potent medicinal properties and close to zero calories. It is rich with essential elements like vitamin C, B6, manganese and fiber.
The active ingredients help in combating flu, the common cold and irregular blood pressure and more.
Leaf Lettuce
Lettuce comes in a variety of types. Low in calories and high in essential minerals, this simple common leafy vegetable protects the hydrated.
Packed with vitamin A, K and brimming with antioxidants, it is also a weight loss friendly vegetable.
Arugula contains some of the most important nutrients essential for maintaining bone health, protecting heart health and reducing the risk of developing some cancers. One cup of it contains just 5 calories and minimal fat.
Being a green veggie, it has folate, potassium and magnesium.
You can make soup out of virtually anything. It’s literally liquid mixes of vegetables, condiments and garnishes.
Eating it leaves you feeling full for a long time. It has all the nutritional goodness minus the calories and fat, which also helps you achieve weight loss.
Beet roots have an impressive nutrition profile.
Low in calories, they contain a good amount of essential vitamins and minerals. The high nitrate content in them brings down high blood pressure. Eating it 2 to 3 hours prior to a sporting event or training session improves athletic performance.
These green spear-like sticks have folate, vitamin C, K and potassium. Half a cup contains just 13 calories. Did you know that it has also been found to alleviate hangovers?
What makes chard super nutritious is the presence of antioxidants, fiber and nutrients.
Not to mention zero calories, fat or carbs. Commonly referred to as swiss chard, it prevents the development of kidney stones, stops diabetes and protects heart health.
The health benefits of grapefruit can go on and on.
Rich with nutrients and containing zero calories, it’s one of the lowest calorie-containing fruit. Offering a decent amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals, they give a boost to the immune system, control appetite, promote weight loss and manage diabetes.
Health benefits of kale include managing high blood pressure, improving digestion and protecting against the development of diabetes.
Containing a wide range of nutrients like vitamin C, K, antioxidants and zero calories, kale prevents the development of various diseases. Kale helps in cleansing the kidneys. Looking for more kidney-friendly foods?
13 foods that make the kidneys healthy

Now back to nutritious foods that are low in calories.
Lemons are refreshing. With a medium-sized lemon containing just 20 calories, the tart taste clearly represents the presence of vitamin C, kick-starting your day with lemon water increases energy levels and boosts digestion.
It’s also a great way of losing weight because of its ability to promote calorie burning.
Onions are rich in fiber, folic acid and essential vitamins while ranking low in caloric content. They have no sodium, fat or cholesterol and can be eaten raw or cooked.
Onions are anti-inflammatory in nature, they protect heart health and even work as a good immune booster.
Low in calories and dense in nutrients, peppers are excellent sources of potassium, fiber, vitamins and folic acid. Because of their low caloric value, they can be found in several weight loss recipes, especially salads.
They contain phosphorus, antioxidants and are available in a variety of types.
Papaya contains some medicinal properties that have a therapeutic effect. One small papaya has 59 calories and will leave you feeling full.
It’s a great option for a mid-morning healthy snack. It has powerful antioxidants, some anti-cancer properties and even protects the skin from potential damage.
With virtually no fat, sugar or carbs, radishes are also low in calories.
This zingy, crunchy, delicious root vegetable is also a great source of vitamin C. Eating just one cup of it every day will provide antioxidants that have anti-diabetic properties, lowers blood sugar levels and even reduces the risk of chronic disease.
No healthy diet is complete without spinach. Other than being low in calories, these healthful greens contain various essential vitamins and With just 7 calories in one cup, this superfood is responsible for keeping the skin glowing and body relaxed while also promoting weight loss.
Being an amazing source of potassium and vitamins is just not enough for strawberries. They’re also sodium-free, fat-free and cholesterol-free while being low in calories. A must-add for your weight loss diet, this delicious tangy fruit improves skin health and also boosts immunity.
Snap peas
With one cup of snap peas containing just 40 calories, this non-starchy vegetable deserves more attention. This green vegetable is also packed with all sorts of vitamins, beta-carotene and potassium. They’re known for weight management, disease prevention and improving heart health.
It’s good to know that this versatile vegetable contains minimal calories. One medium-sized tomato has just 16. Enriched with goodness of vitamin C, fiber and a special compound called lycopene, they’re excellent for improving eyesight, digestion and making bones stronger.
Watermelon is a great hydrating fruit containing over 95% water. With about 100 grams containing 30 calories, eating this fruit as a snack will keep you away from unhealthy food. Did you know that watermelon is also a great source for amino acids that burn fat?
Eating zucchini regularly is a great way of shedding some extra pounds.
Available in a variety of colors from green to yellow, these power-packed vegetables are nutritionally dense. Used to treat colds and aches, zucchini is rich in water and low in calories, making it an ideal choice for dieters.
Herbs like basil, cress and dill along with different types of salt have minimal or no calories.
They offer a pleasant fragrance and a delicious taste that brings a dish together. Choosing herbs and spices to amp up the taste of an otherwise bland, flavorless dish is a great way to eat healthy.
With zero calories, chilies have the capacity to speed up metabolism by 50%.
Loaded with antioxidants, green chilies can get rid of free radicals. They also reduce blood cholesterol, prevent the formation of blood clots and keep the cardiovascular system healthy.
This earthy-tasting vegetable is often used as a substitute for meat by vegetarians.
Along with magnesium, zinc, minerals and copper, they also contain just 15 calories in one diced cup. They’re also loaded with riboflavin, a special compound responsible for healthy blood cell count.
Ginger plays a major role in traditional medicine to beat the cold, flu, joint pain and muscle cramps.
One tablespoon of freshly grated ginger contains 5 calories and provides relief from inflammation, cures upset stomach and lowers blood sugar.
Similar to potato or turnip, jicama is low in calories, sugar and fat while being high in fiber. For people suffering from diabetes, jicama can be a great substitute for potatoes or other high-starch and carb foods.
It’s a natural prebiotic, rich source of antioxidants that promotes a balanced blood glucose level.
This hybrid of mandarin and sweet orange tastes a bit sweeter than other citrus fruit. Clementines are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants and a variety of minerals.
Most of the calories in this fruit come from the sugar content along with a tiny amount of protein. Oatmeal A cup of oatmeal cooked in water has just 150 calories. To make it more filling, stir in half a cup of plain non-fat Greek yogurt.
This way you’ll add 11 grams of protein, but just 60 extra calories. You’ll never get bored with oatmeal if you mix things up with different ingredients like almond butter, chia seeds or berries. Don’t get the wrong idea.

Calories are important for the body to function smoothly. The problem begins when you eat too many calories and don’t burn them off. Because most food and drink contains gross amounts of calories, it’s important to cut back on unhealthy stuff and choose low-calorie foods.